What’s New in Kids’ Yoga this March?

Happy March! What’s happening this March?

Let me share with you! We have a brand new exciting theme!

It’s called The Essentials of Potential. A yoga adventure for little ones to discover how a calm mind can help us imagine many new possibilities! 

Every month, we focus on children receiving time to learn one new pose and breath well so they can grow confidently as they make it their own. 

Our March pose is Elephant Trunk Pose. This is a more advanced pose and a perfect match to show the kids how we can all do challenging things! 

This pose has many benefits for kids, like stretching, strengthening our whole body, and practising using our focus to balance.

Our breath for March is Belly Bellow breath!

This breath is a perfect breath to energise our bodies and clear our minds. It is done by making tiny belly breaths in and out that feel like a bellow shooting air onto the coals of a fire!

This month, we have a perfect book and songs to help us see possibilities in the world we may not yet know and allow us to explore our feelings as we experience new things with curiosity and acceptance! 

We will read I Feel The World by children’s author Zanni Louise and psychologist Dr Ameika Johnson and practice puffing out our chest to take a deep breath and know we will be okay! The song The Power Of Yet by C.J. Luckey will play to help us feel confident as we reach for the sky to be our best.

Look at this month's EYLF outcomes and read the great things you can do with kids' yoga today.

Until I see your smiling face!

Lois x

p.s. are you an early childhood educator or parent who wants to see the benefits of kids’ yoga at your early education centre or school? Click the button below to find out how - it’s easy to apply.


What’s New in Kids’ Yoga this April?


What’s New in Kids’ Yoga this Feb?