This is what’s new in Kids’ Yoga this October!

This month we're diving into A Celebration of Cooperation, where our awesome kiddos get to enhance their problem-solving skills, build strength, and have a blast working together!

We're going to have so much fun exploring the wonderful Tree Pose, also known as Vrikshasana! It's not just a simple pose – it's like a magical meditation pose that connects our body, mind, and breath. It's so awesome because it not only strengthens and stretches little legs but also helps them improve their balance ready for some exciting activities and playful adventures!

Our breath of the month is an absolute treat for the senses. Kids will listen to the incredible track "You're Gonna Be Okay" by the talented singer-songwriter Ashh Blackwood! This breath technique is just what we need to feel peace whenever we're feeling a little uncertain or overwhelmed. Take a big breath into your chest, followed by a deep belly breath, and slowly exhale while embracing the powerful affirmation: "I'm gonna be okay”!

Kids will also dive into the adventurous world of partner poses. With a friend by our side, they'll find balance and have a great time! They will unlock the power of teamwork and collaboration to the awesome tune "Friendly, Helpful, Sharing, Courageous" by the amazing Teeny Tiny Stevies making this yoga session an unforgettable experience!

And finally, kids will experience the amazing power of self-soothing. Imagine transforming your fists into rocks and giving your necks and shoulders a soothing massage. It's an exercise that will help melt away stress and anxiety.

Don't forget to jam out to our special yoga music playlist this month! It's the perfect way to add some energy and fun to your home or classroom whenever you need it!

Let's make this month all about togetherness!

Lois x

Hey there, early childhood educators and parents! Interested in discovering the incredible benefits of kids' yoga at your school or early education centre? Look no further - click the button below to find out how simple it is to apply and get started!


This is what’s new in Kids’ Yoga this November!


What’s New in Kids’ Yoga this September?