Mama You’ve Got This

Enjoy the very first mama interview from the Sprouts Yoga Celebrating Badass interview series, with Lois!

Lois interviews Christy Hopwood and Freya Owen about their business and passion Mama You've Got This!

Who are you?

We are Christy Hopwood and Freya Owen, two Melbourne Mamas (with 7 children between us!) who became friends and later business partners through our children's local kindergarten.

We are the Mamas behind Mama You've Got This, a Virtual Village, offering pre and post-birth evidence-based education programs designed to help parents navigate the early years of parenthood.

Mama You’ve Got This was established in 2019 to provide everyone with quality, consistent expert advice for parents at an affordable price. Programs are taught by a team of 20 including the very best medical and health experts, empowering parents on their journey with expert knowledge and support.

What do you do?

We are the founders of Mama You've Got This, and our virtual programs support, guide and empower parents on their parenting journey from pregnancy right through to the early primary school years.

Our Masterclass Series consists of 9 masterclasses including - Ready to Conceive, Pregnancy, Preparing for Birth & Birth Recovery, Birth Skills & Calm Mindset, Baby Basics, Infant Essentials, Toddler, Child Emotion & Brain Development and Baby First Aid & Safety Basics. The masterclasses are designed to cover all the essential topics parents need for each stage of the early parenting years and include 1 -3 expert presentations.

Virtual Masterclasses are delivered in a relaxed environment with demonstrations with real babies and lots of time for Q&A with the experts. In small-group classes, parents are encouraged to bring their baby and connect with other parents at the same stage.

In addition to the Masterclass Series, we offer an antenatal and postnatal online 5 stage video series called Experts On Demand that is presented by Australia's leading health and medical professionals which you can access anytime from any device.

We have found there was no guide to parenthood so together with our expert team we wrote 5 x Downloadable Expert Guides on the key stages of the early parenting years. We also publish weekly free expert articles, expert top tips and offer weekly expert Q&A sessions on social media platforms.

Our multidisciplinary program is the first of its kind and gives parents a supportive network to draw on!

Why are you badass?

Because we are normalising the transition to parenthood and giving parents a voice to say 'this is tough and it's ok to ask for help'. There was no course on how to be a parent, yet it is the most important role we will ever do, so we created it. As parents you are given so much conflicting advice, so we created one place for parents to get all of their pre and post-birth questions answered by the very best experts in the business and recreated the old fashion village (with a modern twist) where parents can find another parent for the journey.

We are a Mama start-up and have helped thousands of families across Australia - all whilst looking after our 7 children and having to homeschool them for 18 months due to the pandemic! We want everyone to do well and try to support our community wherever we can. From life with no kids to one, to two, to many - Mama You’ve Got This!

How do you know Lois?

We met Lois at Sprouts Yoga studio and she kindly let us run our Pilot Masterclasses in her stunning space.

If you could give another woman one piece of advice, what would it be?

Do what you love with all of your heart, women are unstoppable if we put our minds to something, but never forget your family always comes first.

What gives you superpowers?

Our families give us the power to keep going. We want to show our children that anything is possible and that with hard work, determination and passion they can do anything that they dream of. Our friendship and mutual respect fuel our shared passion plus tenacity and old fashioned hard work. Caring for our community and kindness is our superpower and magic happens through a shared vision and collaboration.

What change do you want to see in the world?

We want the world to be a place that celebrates and honours motherhood, where every mother feels like they have a village to belong to and to be supported. We want parents to feel like it is ok to ask for help and believe that the journey is so much better when 'real' and shared. We want all aspects of the motherhood experience to be talked about. Through our Virtual Village and Masterclasses, we want parents to have one place where they can get all the expert advice they need to make their parenting experience easier.

And finally, where can we find you?

You can find us on Instagram, Facebook and through our website -

@mamayouvegotthis_au (Instagram)

@mamayouvegotthis (Facebook)